Do women suffer more from climate crisis?

Do women suffer more from climate crisis?

Dealing with current and future changes in the global climate is one of the most difficult challenges facing humanity in the twenty-first century. Although the climate crisis is a worldwide concern, its impacts will not be felt equally across the planet. The impacts...
Revised GRI Standards Reference Sheet – 2021

Revised GRI Standards Reference Sheet – 2021

This 2-page Reference Sheet is a simplified version of the 600+ pages of the revised GRI Standards issued in October 2021. It gives you a user-friendly overview of the Standards. First Name* Middle Name Last Name* Your Email* Phone Number Industry* —Please...
Women Empowerment in the Energy Industry

Women Empowerment in the Energy Industry

Allowing and promoting more women to enter and succeed in the industry, can motivate other women to challenge gender stereotypes and make inroads into traditionally male-dominated fields. Women’s empowerment is a vital cause and responsibility that everyone...
A member of our Sustainability team becomes a WiSER Pioneer

A member of our Sustainability team becomes a WiSER Pioneer

Press Release Congratulations to our Sustainability Consultant Dana Hamad for being selected to take part in the WiSER Pioneers Program 2022! We are all very excited at the Sustainability Knowledge Group to have one of our team members participating in this impactful...

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