30 October 2015
We were very proud to celebrate our first milestone of 10 CSR & Sustainability Meetups in Dubai this week!
On 28th October, we hosted our 10th meetup at in5 Innovation Centre and were overjoyed to welcome a diverse audience of Sustainability professionals with a vast interest in the practical implementation of CSR and Sustainability.Our guest speaker, Ms Elaine Kelly, CSR-Gulf from Microsoft, discussed the challenges faced in moving from a global to a local model, environmental priorities and implementation initiatives.
Our second presentation, focused on a new promising initiative called “my green badge” linking sustainability to reporting, utilizing gamification methodologies.
Over 30 guests joined our networking and learning event, which has managed to reach over 300 registered members and has already addressed all key issues surrounding sustainability in the region. Since our first meetup in June 2014, high profile professionals from Unilever, P&G, Green Emirates, Imdaad, Communic8, Values Added, Target-akhdar, Expedition 7e continent, Scholar’s Consultancy, The Lighthouse Cohort, Carpoolarabia have shared invaluable experience and knowledge in topics including employee engagement, communicating CSR, building partnerships, water pollution, sustainability reporting, sustainable supply chains and social impact.