Welcome to our 9th CSR & Sustainability Meetup! Partnerships 911: Driving value for Business & Society!
Join us on the 10th of June as we share the secrets behind winning partnerships that can bring value to your business and society as a whole!
Our first speaker will be Nicolas Delaunay who has two decades of experience building high quality partnerships and innovative fundraising for leading names such as CNN in Europe and WWF in the Middle East.
Our second speaker will be Benjamin de Terssac, a web enthusiast and startup entrepreneur, passionate about the sharing economy. He will share with us the experience from the succesful initiative Carpoolarabia.com which is a platform that connects empty seats with passengers looking for a ride in Dubai!
Date: 10th June 2015
Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Location: In5 Hub, Boutique Villa 7. Knowledge Village. Map: https://goo.gl/DWPoZK
To RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/CSR-Sustainability-Meetup-Dubai/events/222888282/